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Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology

Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology

Immunotoxicity and Immunology include preclinical and clinical studies of the regulatory effects of various agents on competent cells. immunotoxicity, as well as immunotoxicity induced by xenobiotics and drugs. Thus, the review covers a wide range of conditions (eg, acute and chronic infections, allergies, autoimmune, cancer, degenerative disorders, inflammation, primary immunodeficiencies, and secondary).

The development of immunology as a distinct field of study is the result of significant advances in the biological sciences over the past 20 years. It involves the physical, pharmacological, and biological manipulation of the immune system under physiological and pathological conditions.

The study of the toxic effects of chemicals (or, in some cases, physical agents such as radiation) on the immune system is called immunotoxicity. Immunotoxicology, or the science of immune system toxicity, deals with the effects of drugs and other substances on the immune response of the living host (immunosuppressive and immunostimulatory), as well as induce hypersensitivity and autoimmunity. Although immunotoxicology is a growing field within the field of toxicology, it is still small. Immunotoxicology is a relatively nascent field of toxicology that studies the effects of xenobiotics on the immune system. Immunotoxicity is defined as the ability of a chemical to affect the immune system. These cellular changes can develop because of a leached substance`s direct harmful action.

  • Acute and chronic infections
  • Degenerative disorders
  • primary and secondary immunodeficiencies
  • Endocrine Pharmacology
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